Channel: Hypo
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: bustertwasbrothersaboutmedichittingyourewonderingredreferencesource film makersmashcameraifsentrybluteamengineerheavythesuperfortressmeetengiesfmtovalvebrawl
Description: This was an idea inspired by Criken ( really, go subscribe) in one of his livestreams he mentioned how scary Sentry Busters are, and I thought that I might as well --take-- make his idea a reality and create this spiffy little video. Hope you enjoy, if you can't, I can't ask that of you. That would be stupid. In all honesty, please share it, tell your friends, it helps out a lot and I'll appreciate it. To those of you who were wondering why that Heavy is BLU and not RED, it's a...homage if you the fact that BLU and RED were originally supposed to play together in Mann vs. Machine. This idea was later scrapped near release because playtesters were so damn stupid they were shooting their opposite colored teammates (so I've heard, not sure if true) Follow me on Twitter: Thumbnail titlecard made by Nanobite